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I'm not into cosmetics, but AZENA products are really special! AZENA Herbal balm saved my hands many times during harsh winters and Go!Minty is an apsolute MUST for hot summer days/after intense practice. And Bugg OFF really keeps all the mosquitoes away :) Can totally recommend!

Juraj (28) yoga teacher, Croatia
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I've tried a lot of brands, high end brands, organic brands, department store brands, but this was the first one that really made an impact after the first week. With the AZENA facial scrub, I noticed a difference after the first use. (I even made my husband try it - don't include that though!!!!) I'm hooked & a big fan.

Nicole Vonderheide; Split HR
blog post

1st Mar 2018
AZENA Herbal body butter
It is perfect to use after shower, or a bath (if I have the time, to take one).
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